Flavours... an obsession


Dear friends!One of my obssessions (no comments) is reading Cooking books and finding new interesting stuff... meaning new recipes... cooking secrets... easy recipies that make me see as a Godess with my invitees... Due to my work I travel a lot and I always stop in supermarkets to try and find different flavours (spieces, teas, coffees, cookies) and I also browse other countries cooking magazines and talk with new acquaintances about recipes and where to find them.Yesterday I returned from Chicago. And one of my companions (named Debbie) talked to me about this great magazine (I did not know about) named "Cook´s Illustrated" (America´s test kitchen). She sent me the link and... it is simply fantastic!!!!! All I have ever dreamt for is there! and I can´t tell about the mag itself! I will scan some recipes and publish them here...I will try and browse for other new stuff every day so as to share with you! Hope you like it as I do!

Now enjoy!!!!


viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

Scones caseros

* colocar en un bol grande el 1/2 kilo de harina,junto con la azúcar y la sal,mezclar.
* en otro bol batir los huevos y la leche.Esta preparacion se le agrega a la anterior ayudandonos con una cuchara de madera.
* hechar la masa sobre la mesa expolvoreada de harina común unir bien la masa luego aplanarla con las manos hasta que quede unos 2 cm de espesor.
* Cortar con un molde de unos 2 1/2cm de diametro.
* Colocarlo en bandejas enmantecada y llevar a horno hasta que queden apenas doradas.
***Ricos,rapidos y economicos***

  • 1/2 k harina leudante
  • 1 tasa de azúcar
  • 1 cuchara de sal fina
  • 200 g de margarina
  • 3 huevos
  • 1/2 tasa de leche
  • harina común necesaria para ayudar en el amasado

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