Flavours... an obsession


Dear friends!One of my obssessions (no comments) is reading Cooking books and finding new interesting stuff... meaning new recipes... cooking secrets... easy recipies that make me see as a Godess with my invitees... Due to my work I travel a lot and I always stop in supermarkets to try and find different flavours (spieces, teas, coffees, cookies) and I also browse other countries cooking magazines and talk with new acquaintances about recipes and where to find them.Yesterday I returned from Chicago. And one of my companions (named Debbie) talked to me about this great magazine (I did not know about) named "Cook´s Illustrated" (America´s test kitchen). She sent me the link and... it is simply fantastic!!!!! All I have ever dreamt for is there! and I can´t tell about the mag itself! I will scan some recipes and publish them here...I will try and browse for other new stuff every day so as to share with you! Hope you like it as I do!

Now enjoy!!!!


jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

Hoy: Goulash a lo May

A los chicos les encante! asique el Gulash esta saliendo seguido en casa. Ademas como se hace con cortes mas economicos de carne ayuda al bolsillo!!!!

1- Una cebolla grande
2- 1 kg de carde (cuadrada use hoy, pero tb lo hice con lomo, cuadril, etc)
3- Sal
4- Paprika
5- Goulash (especiass)- Yo me la traje de Alemania. En buenos supermercados de aca se consiguen=)=)
6- 4 cucharadas de crema de leche
7- 2 tazas de arroz
8- Aceite para freir (queda mas rico con aceite de oliva)

Rinde 5 personas (3 niños y 2 adultos)

1- Picar la cebolla y rehogar en media taza de aceite
2- Cortar la carne en cubitos y agregar a la cebolla.
COmenzara a cocinarse y a hacerse una salcita marron MUUUYY RICA,
3- Agregar la sal y 1 cucharada de Paprika
4- Agregar 2 cucharadas grandes de GOULASH (especia)
5- dejar cocer 15 minutos mas
6- agregar la creama de leche.

Mientras se puso Arroz a hervir .

se Sirve el Arroz con el Goulash y su salsa arriba.

RIQUISIMO y en 20 minutos esta listo!!!!

PD: La receta original NO lleva CREMA, yo le agrego porque lo suaviza y a los chicos les gusta mas =)

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