A los chicos les encante! asique el Gulash esta saliendo seguido en casa. Ademas como se hace con cortes mas economicos de carne ayuda al bolsillo!!!!
1- Una cebolla grande
2- 1 kg de carde (cuadrada use hoy, pero tb lo hice con lomo, cuadril, etc)
3- Sal
4- Paprika
5- Goulash (especiass)- Yo me la traje de Alemania. En buenos supermercados de aca se consiguen=)=)
6- 4 cucharadas de crema de leche
7- 2 tazas de arroz
8- Aceite para freir (queda mas rico con aceite de oliva)
Rinde 5 personas (3 niños y 2 adultos)
1- Picar la cebolla y rehogar en media taza de aceite
2- Cortar la carne en cubitos y agregar a la cebolla.
COmenzara a cocinarse y a hacerse una salcita marron MUUUYY RICA,
3- Agregar la sal y 1 cucharada de Paprika
4- Agregar 2 cucharadas grandes de GOULASH (especia)
5- dejar cocer 15 minutos mas
6- agregar la creama de leche.
Mientras se puso Arroz a hervir .
se Sirve el Arroz con el Goulash y su salsa arriba.
RIQUISIMO y en 20 minutos esta listo!!!!
PD: La receta original NO lleva CREMA, yo le agrego porque lo suaviza y a los chicos les gusta mas =)
Cooking is an art, it may be done rational or intuitive but (as all arts) basics are basics and tips and secrets are always welcomed. This and my obsession in finding always new tastes, flavours, spieces, teas, coffes, magazines were the only trigger I needed for starting this new blog... ENJOY
Flavours... an obsession
Dear friends!One of my obssessions (no comments) is reading Cooking books and finding new interesting stuff... meaning new recipes... cooking secrets... easy recipies that make me see as a Godess with my invitees... Due to my work I travel a lot and I always stop in supermarkets to try and find different flavours (spieces, teas, coffees, cookies) and I also browse other countries cooking magazines and talk with new acquaintances about recipes and where to find them.Yesterday I returned from Chicago. And one of my companions (named Debbie) talked to me about this great magazine (I did not know about) named "Cook´s Illustrated" (America´s test kitchen). She sent me the link and... it is simply fantastic!!!!! All I have ever dreamt for is there! and I can´t tell about the mag itself! I will scan some recipes and publish them here...I will try and browse for other new stuff every day so as to share with you! Hope you like it as I do!
Now enjoy!!!!
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